
Showing posts from February, 2021

IntelliGender Scam

So recently, I was informed about an at home, urine-based gender determination test called IntelliGender. Think a pregnancy test but for determining if you are expecting a boy or a girl. As this was the first time I had heard of such a thing, I was curious as to how this test worked. I went into my investigation having no real reason to doubt the test; I was expecting to find the usual list of binding proteins, antibodies, and the like. However, I received quite a shock when I found nothing of the sort. This dive ended up being a really good exercise in skepticism so I thought I'd share the experience (and break an almost year-long hiatus to boot). My first step when investigating a product like this is to go to the product's page. See what the company has to say, what evidence they have to offer, etc. Even if a product is pseudoscience, they will generally have some links to a dense (but legitimate) study that only tangentially applies to their product or some manufactured stu